Microsoft Edge browser is cross-platform and supports all Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. The new Microsoft Edge browser has adopted the Chromium open-source project code base which offers better web compatibility and performance over the legacy edge. Most people will export passwords and back up only their favorites when migrating or switching to a new Windows system. In many cases, these should be enough to get started on their new PC. However, few would like to back up and restore everything to their new PC, and for those, the steps below show them how to do that when using the Microsoft Edge browser. The backup will include all settings, favorites, profiles, and extensions in Microsoft Edge for your profile in Windows. The backup will not include passwords stored in Edge. Those passwords are encrypted and stored in your Microsoft account online. You can also manually export your saved password from Edge.

How to backup and restore everything in Microsoft Edge browser with Windows

As mentioned above, if you are rather backup and store everything in the Edge browser instead of simply exporting and reimporting passwords, the steps below show you how to do that. The backup will include all settings, favorites, profiles, and extensions in Microsoft Edge for your profile in Windows. However, to get passwords stored for sites, you’ll need to sign in to Edge and sync your passwords. To get started, close your Edge browser, including all tabs. The default Edge folder is located in your local AppData folder below: Open File Explorer, then type the path above in the address box and press Enter. If you have other versions of Edge, you’ll find a folder representing each version. Copy the Edge folder to the new system and overwrite the respective Edge folder there. Next, open the Windows registry and navigate to the path below: Their select Edge to expand the folder key. Right-click on the PreferenceMACs subkey in the left pane under the Edge and select Export. Next, save the registry key to the same location as your Edge file backup. On your new PC, simply double-click the MSEdgeBackup registry file you saved earlier to restore the browser preferenceMACs. That should do it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to back up and restore everything in the Microsoft Edge browser with Windows. If you find any error above or have something to share, please use the comment form below.